Biographies > Wesleyan
Fredrika van Benschoten

by Johanna Russ, Class of 2003

Fredrika van Benschoten was born on December 13, 1878, in Middletown. Her father was a professor at Wesleyan, and she herself graduated from the university in 1901. She was a member of Phi Sigma sorority, and her academic accomplishments earned her membership to Phi Beta Kappa as well as graduation with honors.

After graduating, she became a teacher, and for the next fifteen years, she taught in various locations throughout the United States. From 1916 to 1922, van Benschoten taught German at the Tsing Hua College in Peking, China. In addition to her teaching, she was able to travel extensively during her stay in the country.

Upon returning to America, she opened a shop specializing in Oriental importing and decorating that she operated from 1924 to 1934. She was elected to the New York Chapter of the Association of Interior Decorators (A.I.D.). In 1934, she moved to Hemet, California, where she bought an orange grove. Her sisters joined her on the west coast, and van Benschoten lived there until her death on March 16, 1975.


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