Biographies > Oberlin College
Frank Bedford Warner

Frank Bradford Warner was born in Sunderland, Massachusetts, on September 2, 1886. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Amherst College in 1908. After teaching in New Jersey for several years, he enrolled in the Oberlin Graduate School of Theology where he studied 1912-14. He was ordained as a Congregational minister in Sunderland, August 7, 1914.

Warner went to China as a missionary teacher with the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He served at the mission in Fenzhou, Shanxi Province, 1914-18, and at Ming Hsien, the Oberlin Shansi Memorial Schools, in Taigu, Shanxi Province, 1918-23. At Ming Hsien Warner was instrumental in developing the Christian school's Teachers' Training Department.

He married Maude Rosamond Bowman in China in 1915. They had three children. Frank B. Warner died of pneumonia on June 15, 1923, while on furlough in Oberlin, Ohio.

For more information, see: Oberlin College Archives

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