Documents> Student Newspapers and Journals
Wellesley College
This annotated bibliography is a record of articles from the Wellesley College alumnae publication. Included are articles which mentioned missionary work, the China Colleges, or Chinese students or alumnae of Wellesley College.
Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, October 1917, pp. 19-23, "A Visit to the Wellesley North China Mission"Theresa Severin, '09, and Rachel Snow, '11, talk about their work in Peking, China and the classes they teach.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, January 1919, pp. 114-115, "Some Wellesley Homes in China"Wellesley professor Sophie Chantal Hart writes about her visits to the homes of some Wellesley alumnae who live and work in China, some at colleges.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, July 1919, pp. 293-295, "Wellesley Women in China"A continuation of "Some Wellesley Homes in China" from the January 1919 Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, January 1920, pp. 126-127, "Wellesley's Sister College"Tells of Wellesley's new sister college, North China Union College, in Peking.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, April 1921, pp. 164-166, "Three Schools with Wellesley Interests-Wellesley's Little Sister College"Describes the history and growth of Yenching College, formerly North China Union College, and Wellesley's role in assisting it.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, August 1922, pp. 251-252, "Miss Kendall Speaks on China"Professor Elizabeth Kendall, who is leaving the Wellesley faculty to teach at Yenching College, gave a lecture entitled "The Future of China."Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, August 1922, p. 261, "Wellesley in China Week"Eliza Hall, '85, and Marguerite Atterbury, '18, faculty members at Yenching College, and Theresa Severin, '09, of the Peking Y.W.C.A., were at Wellesley during the first week of May to speak about the work and needs of girls in China.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, November 1922, pp. 49-50, "Faculty Members Abroad"Information on professors who are abroad for the academic year, including Eliza Hall Kendrick, who will be teaching at Yenching College and at the University of Peking.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, November 1922, p. 52, "A Graduate from Yenching"Ké Chun Chén, a 1922 Yenching College graduate, is taking graduate courses in education and sociology at Wellesley this year.Wellesley Alumnae Quarterly, February 1923, p. 98, "Miss Pendleton Makes Appeals for Oriental Colleges"In November, President of the College Ellen Fitz Pendleton visited several colleges in the Middle West to ask for funding for Oriental colleges for women.Wellesley Alumnae Magazine, June 1931, pp. 309-311, "Eliza H. Kendrick, Professor of Biblical History, 1906-1931"A tribute to Eliza H. Kendrick, '85, who recently died. She taught at Yenching University from 1922-1923.The Wellesley Magazine, February 1935, frontispiece, "A Recent Wellesley Reunion at Yenching included Mme Chiang Kai-Shek (Meling Soong, '17)"PhotographThe Wellesley Magazine, February 1935, p. 214, "Wellesley in the World"A group of Wellesley women met at Yenching College on the occasion of Mme Chiang Kai-Shek's visit there. Grace Boynton, '12, Augusta Wagner, '24, and Yueh-Mei Chen, who received the certificate of the department of Hygiene and Physical Education from Wellesley in 1932, were all there.The Wellesley Magazine, June 1937, p. 385, "Wellesley in the World"Includes a section on Josephine Rathbone, '21, who is traveling to China and India to observe native customs. In China, she will also help to build up the physical education department at Yenching University in Peking.The Wellesley Magazine, December 1937, p. 87, "Yenching Goes On"Describes some of the history in Yenching University and tells how the University continues to remain open despite the war in China.The Wellesley Magazine, June 1938, pp, 399-404, "Wellesley in the Orient"A small paragraph in this article tells of Li-Ming Hwang Chen, '31, who is living as a refugee in Shanghai. She was formerly a teacher of physical education at Ginling College.The Wellesley Magazine, October 1938, pp. 19-22, "Wellesley in the World"Includes a section about the life and the accomplishments of Ying-mei Chun Lin, '13, who died recently. She worked at Ginling College in the physical education department.The Wellesley Magazine, August 1940, pp. 520-522, "Wellesley in the World"Frances Taft Pyke, '09, returned to Wellesley from Peking, China this year and brought with her news of Wellesley graduates living and working in China. Included are Grace Boynton, '12, who teaches at Yenching University, Fung-Hin Liu Wang, '14, who has served at several Chinese universities, and Augusta Wagner, '24, who teaches at Yenching University.The Wellesley Magazine, August 1940, p. 522, "Wellesley-Yenching Report"A breakdown of Wellesley students', staff members', etc. financial contributions to Yenching University.The Wellesley Magazine, February 1942, pp. 155-157, "Wellesley in the World"Includes a long letter from Grace Boynton, '12, who taught at Yenching University for many years and is now teaching English at Nanking University in free China.The Wellesley Magazine, June 1943, pp. 293 and 302, "A Résumé of Wellesley's Interest in China"Discusses Wellesley's associations with China, including many Chinese students who have attended Wellesley and also Wellesley's sister college, Yenching University.The Wellesley Magazine, June 1943, pp. 310-311, "From Yenching in Peiping to Yenching in Chengtu"After the Japanese military closed Yenching's Peiping (Peking) campus, the students made a dangerous trek to Chengtu, in western China, to continue their studies.The Wellesley Magazine, April 1944, pp. 207-209, "Wellesley in the World"Includes a letter from Imogene Ward Sargent, '32, whose husband, a minister, works at West China Union University in Chengtu, Szechuan Province. The campus has become a temporary home to six other colleges from areas in occupied China.The Wellesley Magazine, December 1944, p. 81, "Dr. Yang Yung-ching"Dr. Yang Yung-ching, the president of Soochow University, China, will be in residence at Wellesley College from January through March of 1942 as the Mayling Soong Foundation Lecturer.The Wellesley Magazine, June 1945, p. 263, "Dr. Yang and the Students"A description of Dr. Yang Yung-ching's stay at Wellesley and of his interaction with Wellesley students.The Wellesley Magazine, December 1947, pp. 98-101, "Our Faculty Abroad"Includes a letter from Mary B. Treudley, Professor of Sociology, who is a visiting professor at Ginling College, Nanking. She describes the harsh living conditions in China.The Wellesley Magazine, December 1947, p. 116, "Hunger at Yenching"Discusses inflation in China and the great expense of food. American colleges and organizations are trying to raise money for China's Christian colleges, including Yenching.The Wellesley Magazine, April 1948, "pp. 264, 284-285, "Chinese Education"Dr. Wing-tsit Chan of Dartmouth College, stating the need for improvements, writes about the direction that education in China is taking.The Wellesley Magazine, February 1949, pp. 166-167, 192, "The Changing China"Kuo-Sieu Wong Sun, '25, Head of the History Department of St. John's University, Shanghai, writes about China's history and the present political situation.
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