Collected Documents > Student Newspapers and Journals
Grinnell College

Scarlet and Black (5 October 1927), v. 35, n.6, p.1


Representative to Grinnell-in-China Tells Where, What, Why, How There


Gives Picture of Porter Middle School and Conditions of Students, Country

"China is trying to accept our civilization. She recognizes Civil was only as a means of bringing about a new regime," said Forrest Chapman in his chapel talk Tuesday. Mr. Chapman endeavored to tell the where, what, why, and how of Grinnell-in-China as gleaned from his two years' experience as a part time teacher of English in the Porter Middle school at Techow.

Only School in Area

The Grinnell school in China is the only high school in an area with twice the population of Iowa. Chinese boys have marched thirty miles in order to take part in the primary rack meets at Techow. There are 200 students in the boy's school, and 175 in the girl's school with a combined faculty of about 28.

The school has practically no teaching equipment, no electric light, and no heat in the dormitories. The scholastic standing is such, however, that these students are accepted without examination into nearly every college in China.

The region about Techow is strictly agricultural. The average farm, about five acres, yields enough produce to furnish the farmer with food and manufacturing materials, and bring him a yearly income of about sixteen American dollars.

Students Pay Tuition

The money sent to Grinnell-in-China supplies a few American teachers, new buildings, and improvements. The students furnish the money for their tuition.

In speaking of China as a close neighbor to America and a country of vast resources, Mr. Chapman said, "Certainly she will be out customer in the future; certainly we want her to be our friend." He also said that some day China will be able to help herself, and when that time comes there will be some expression of gratitude. It is for us a privilege to help rather than a duty.

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